View our New TV Commercial

At the Victorian Autism Conference (VAC) in Melbourne last year, we asked attendees to come and tell us about their loved-one with ASD…Now, we are delighted to bring you the results!
Our TV Commercial features parents and carers who told us about some of the funny things, sad things and interesting characteristics of their family member. The result is a lovely montage of images that our community will recognise straight away – and we hope that this commercial, which is intended as a community announcement for TV, will help generate better understanding of ASD amongst the general population.
The TV commercial was launched during the World Autism Awareness Day celebrations, with Etihad Stadium showing it on their big screen during footy matches and Federation Square screening it on their outdoor screen in early April.
We will be approaching the major TV channels to take it on as a community service.
We’d like to thank all of you who took part in this project for sharing your personal experiences, including those who did not get into the final cut. We hope you enjoy this.

View the TVC

AMAZE TV Commercial from Amaze on Vimeo.

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