New Government Reverts to 'NDIS'

Senator Mitch FifieldSenator Mitch Fifield has blogged that the new Coalition government is committed to the NDIS, and will revert to this name rather than calling it ‘DisabilityCare Australia’.
Senator Fifield blogs: “The Australian Parliament has a shared commitment to provide a better deal for Australians with disability. The Coalition has enthusiastically supported each milestone on the road to the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS). In the words of Prime Minister-elect Tony Abbott “the NDIS is an idea whose time has come.””
He states that the existing state and territory agreements and launch sites will be honoured and funding announced by the previous Labour government will be retained.
“The Coalition is committed to delivering the NDIS in keeping with the Productivity Commission’s vision and the timetable detailed by the intergovernmental agreements between the Commonwealth and the states and territories. Our support for the NDIS is unequivocal.”
This is good news for the ASD community: although there has always been an indication that this would be the case, the confirmation provides reassurance for our community.
Senator Fifield states: “Australians with disability don’t want to be objects of care. They want to be supported, independent, in charge and in control of their lives. That’s why the Coalition will revert to the term ‘NDIS’ rather than DisabilityCare Australia.”
Some of the other points made are:

  • Employment requirements for individuals with a disability will all be under one minister (disability) rather than being split between the Minister for Disability and the Minister for Employment
  • The Carers Payment, Carers Allowance and Carers Supplement will be retained
  • A Young Carer Bursary Programme to assist hundreds of young carers and help with the cost of study while caring for a family member will be established

Read the full blog:

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