TherapyConnect – a New Way to Find Out About Therapies

TherapyConnect is a new resource explaining therapies for children with ASDTherapyConnect is a new resource to help families understand therapy for young children with ASD.
TherapyConnect is helpful for families who are beginning the therapy journey, as well as those a little further along. It has been developed by members of the Autism Advisor team at Amaze (pictured from left, Rhiannon Memery, Lia Castorina and Kelly Tucker), thanks to funding from FaHCSIA (Federal government Department of Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs).
The aim is to assist families accessing the Helping Children with Autism funding (HCWA), a grant for families of children with ASD aged 0 – 6 to help them afford early intervention therapies for their child.
TherapyConnect project manager Rhiannon Memery says, “We are really excited to launch this resource for families. We hope that it will be a practical tool that will help them navigate their therapy journey which can appear overwhelming to begin with.”
TherapyConnect provides information about the types of therapies commonly used with children with ASD. It outlines areas of childhood development to assist families to understand and direct their child’s therapy. Parents and carers will gain an understanding of the therapy process and their role in working with their children. They will also learn how to get the most out of their therapy sessions.
“This is a valuable and important addition to our resources for families,” says Murray Dawson-Smith, CEO. “The staff have used their combined skills across a range of therapies to provide a simple-to-use resource. We believe it will be of great value to families and professionals.”
TherapyConnect contains interviews with parents and therapists, as well as footage taken in real therapy sessions and downloadable resources with ideas parents can incorporate at home to assist with their child’s skills development.
“Busy families will love the interactive timetable which enables them to plan their week and find opportunities to incorporate therapy strategies into their daily routine,” says Murray.
TherapyConnect was developed in consultation with a number of prominent ASD professionals around Australia. Amaze would to thank the families and professionals who were involved in the creation of this resource.
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