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The Amaze (Autism Victoria) Annual General Meeting took place last night at the Western Autistic School at Laverton.
Members heard from guest speaker, Alexandra Gunning, Director, Engagement, National Disability Insurance Scheme, Launch Transition Agency, on the subject of progress with the NDIS in the Barwon region.
Members listened to three short presentations from Amaze staff; firstly Rhiannon Memery presented the recently launched ‘TherapyConnect’ website, which provides information on therapy for children with ASD, to help families understand the options available. Next Emily Kilsby talked about the BIG Weekend, camp for kids who have a sibling on the spectrum, showing photos of the various activities that took place, and Fran Ludgate announced the ‘Amaze Awards for Service to the ASD Community’ which will be opening for nominations on 1 January.
Chair, Michele Carson, Treasurer, Graeme Wickenden, and CEO, Murray Dawson-Smith, each gave their report on the 2012-13 financial year, mentioning the many events and activities that had taken place during another busy year.
The meeting was surprised to hear Michele announce the resignation of CEO, Murray Dawson-Smith, who will be leaving at the end of January. She thanked Murray for the hard work that he had put in over the last 5 1/2 years, taking the organisation from just 4 staff to the current 26 FTE, and for his energetic leadership and work to interface with government and keep ASD top of mind. The meeting showed its support for her words.