Amaze Welcomes New CEO

We are delighted to announce the appointment of Fiona Sharkie to the role of Chief Executive Officer at Amaze. Fiona replaces Interim CEO, Beryl Raufer who has been leading the organisation since Murray Dawson-Smith stepped down after five and a half years in the role at the end of January.
“On behalf of the Board of Governance, I welcome Fiona to Amaze,” said Jane Evans, Board Chair. We are delighted that Fiona has accepted the role and is bringing her extensive experience across private, public and non-profit sectors, to guide Amaze through these next few years as the NDIS takes shape. The Board is looking forward to working with her and the whole Amaze team, to continue to improve the quality of life for individuals with ASD.”
Fiona comes to Amaze from Quit Victoria, the peak anti-smoking organisation, where she worked as Executive Director for the past six and a half years. Prior to that, she led the Office of Women’s Policy in the Victorian government, and worked for 15 years in marketing in the private sector in multinational and Australian companies, as well as a start up organisation. Fiona’s background includes international development, having previously held the position of Deputy Chair at Plan International and she is the current President of the International Women’s Development Agency.
“I’m really excited to be here and looking forward to working with the Amaze staff to support the ASD community,” says Fiona.
The Board also thanked Beryl Raufer for her leadership in the Interim CEO role over the past three months and wished her the very best for her future endeavours.
Other Changes at Amaze
There has also been a change to the Amaze Board of Governance with Michele Carson stepping down from the Board in late April for personal reasons. The Board has now appointed Jane Evans to the role of Board Chair with Emeritus Professor Bruce Tonge continuing as Vice Chair and Graeme Wickenden as Treasurer.

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