Victorian Deputy Police Commissioner Lucinda Nolan Visits Amaze

Victorian Deputy Police Commissioner Lucinda Nolan visited Amaze on Tuesday 23 July to talk to staff about how police can assist individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder and their carers and families.
Lucinda gave a formal presentation on Responding to Family Violence Involving Young People with Autism.
Describing the process the police take when involved in family violence was very useful for Amaze staff to learn.  Lucinda debunked some of the myths and misconceptions about what police involvement actually means, it doesn’t necessarily mean a criminal record or arrest and a person’s disability or disorder is always taken into account.

Lucinda Nolan Visits Amaze

L-R: Fiona Sharkie (Amaze CEO) Vic Dept. Police Commissioner Lucinda Nolan and Janet Bailie (Amaze Information Officer)

Lucinda said “calling the police is often a last resort [for parents]. Police can intervene at an appropriate level”.
She is hoping with more community engagement and understanding of police roles that parents and care givers will not be afraid to seek police assistance. Lucinda also spoke of the importance of familiarising the person with ASD to the police.
Lucinda, who has a lot of experience in this area understands the hesitations parents and carers have in asking for police help and said that there is a real fear of negative judgement. She is championing for parents to not let things get to breaking-point before the police are aware of their situation.
Lucinda Nolan will be presenting on Community Safety at the Amaze Victorian Autism Conference on 7 August.
She will also be at the Amaze Members night on 14 October.
Fact sheet: Voluntary disclosure of personal information regarding a disorder or disability

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