Will you Include a Charity in your will?

Wills are not something any of us like thinking about!
But leaving a gift in our will is something that each one of us can do to help to make a difference when we are no longer around.
September 8 to 16 is ‘Include a Charity’ week – a week to encourage us all to include a donation to our preferred charity in our wills. Amaze has been part of the ‘Include a Charity’ campaign since it began in 2011: the campaign raises this difficult issue in people’s minds.
Australian’s are generous people – 70% of us support charities. And 29% of say that we would be happy to leave a gift in our wills, once our family has been looked after.
Unfortunately, only 7.5% of us act on this – and that’s a great shame.
Watch the video below to find out more about the campaign:

If you would like to find out more about how to go about leaving a gift to charity in your will, please download more information.

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