Full House for AGM – New Board Members Elected

Sandra Jones (l) and Nicole Rinehart join the Amaze Board of Governors for the 2014-15 year.

Sandra Jones (l) and Nicole Rinehart join the Amaze Board of Governors for the 2014-15 year.

We would like to thank all members who attended last night’s AGM in The Butterfly Room at Williamstown North Primary School. It was a great turnout to hear about the events, activities and results of the organisation’s 2013-14 financial year.
We are delighted to announce that Chair, Jane Evans, was reelected to the Board unopposed, Prof Nicole Rinehart was appointed to the open position in the medical research category, and Sandra Jones was appointed to the open position in the education and training category.
Jane thanked all candidates for standing for the vacant roles and congratulated the appointed members. She also thanked outgoing board members, Prof Katrina Williams and Anne Mustow, for the work they have done over the past years.
The meeting also had the opportunity to hear from Mark Tainsh, Director, Inclusion, Access and Participation, Victorian Department for Education and Early Childhood Development (DEECD) who talked passionately about his vision for students with ASD in Victoria.
We would like to give our thanks to Jim Cahill, Principal, Wendy Emin, Assistant Principal and Sue Ongarato, Inclusion Support Coordinator from Williamstown North Primary School, who provided a tour of the school and presented their approach and successes with students on the spectrum over the last few years.
Board Chair, Jane Evans, spoke about the significant changes within the board and senior management of Amaze during the past year. CEO, Fiona Sharkie, spoke about the process of listening and learning that she has undertaken over her first seven months in the role and the inspiration she has received from those she has met with during that time: she particularly remarked on the importance of hearing from individuals with ASD so that the organisation can better represent them. Treasurer, Graeme Wickenden, gave a summary of the finances for the year.
Amaze Annual Review – 2014
Amaze Annual Financial Report 2014

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