Findings of Amaze Stakeholder Survey Available

In September 2014, the Amaze Board and CEO began working on a new Strategic Plan. To start, they wanted to hear from their members and other people in the autism community about how they believe Amaze is performing in its work.
For 48 years, Amaze has provided information, resources and supportĀ to people on the autism spectrum and their families/supporters. In theĀ last decade, more children have been diagnosed with autism. ThereĀ have also been important changes in government policy and legislationĀ that has raised the awareness of autism and the needs of people on
the autism spectrum. These changes include:

  • Disability Discrimination Act [1992] and Disability StandardsĀ for Education [2005]
  • Victorian Disability Act [2006]
  • UN Charter on the Rights of Persons with Disability [2008]
  • Helping Children with Autism funding package [2008]
  • National Disability Insurance Scheme [2012]

Amaze believes its members and all people on the autism spectrumĀ and their families are important. Therefore, Amaze also wanted to askĀ them what Amazeā€™s work should be in the future.
In October 2014,Ā Amaze asked the Victorian autism communityĀ to complete a survey: 643 people took part and they were a mix ofĀ people on the autism spectrum, families and professionals.
Read Survey Report

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