Amaze New Strategic Plan – Amaze Strategic Directions to 2040

Amaze has launched its new strategic plan – Amaze Strategic Directions to 2040.

Amaze commenced working on its strategic plan in October 2014, after having surveyed members and other stakeholders in the autism community about how they felt we were performing. (Read more about the Stakeholder Survey here.)
The feedback we received was extremely valuable.As a result of this feedback, are strategic priorities are:

  1. Increased community awareness and understanding of autism;
  2. Improved attitudes and behaviours towards people on the autism spectrum; and
  3. More opportunities for people on the spectrum to participate and contribute to society in meaningful ways

Our aspiration is for a society that respects every person on the autism spectrum and offers each real opportunities to participate and contribute.  We want to create inclusive communities that give voice and opportunity to people on the autism spectrum and their families.
Aamze will continue to support people on the spectrum and their families with information and resources – as we have done for 48 years. In addition, we will raise our sights to influence governments to create positive change and up-skill the wider society to better serve people on the autism spectrum and their families.
Read our summary Amaze “Plan on a Page”.
Read the full Strategy which includes more detail about our activities, how we will measure our progress, and report back to our community.
We look forward to sharing our journey and reporting back on our achievements.

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