Have Your Say – Hospital Experiences for Children on the Autism Spectrum

Happy NurseGoing to the hospital can be a difficult time for children and their families. When the child is on the autism spectrum, there are additional concerns and challenges to consider.
Amaze and the Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation (VIC Branch) want to know more about the experiences of children on the autism spectrum when they go to the hospital.
If you have a child under 18 years old who you has had to stay at the hospital (or if you remember a time you stayed at the hospital when you were a child), we would love for you to complete our survey. The results of the survey will be used to improve training for nurses so they can make sure children on the autism spectrum have the best, most comfortable experience possible when they go to hospital.
Please complete the survey by following this link. It should take less than 10 minutes to complete.
Thank you for your input.

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