From the CEO: Your voice critical to NDIS success

Autistic participants are the largest single diagnostic group within the National Disability Insurance Scheme so it’s crucial the NDIS is fully rolled out and sustainable into the long term – to support autistic Australians across their lifetime.

We all need to work together to ensure the vision of a better life for all people with disability is realised, and the NDIS is a critical element in achieving this.

Why we launched NDIS survey

That is why we launched an NDIS survey in March.
The survey allows us to consolidate the views and needs of autistic people and their families to ensure their voices are heard and their needs are met.
The survey was designed for NDIS participants, or people going through the NDIS planning process, and we wanted to hear your experiences as the scheme rolls out across Victoria.
The survey responses are being used to inform Amaze’s ongoing advocacy and many have been included in our submission to the Productivity Commission’s NDIS Cost Inquiry – which you can read here.

Spectrospective encore screenings

While on the subject of people’s voices and views being heard, I’d like to once again thank all those who contributed to Spectrospective: Stories of Autism 2017.
Attendances were outstanding for the Spectrospective premiere at Village cinemas on April 2, testament to the extraordinary range of stories told in the film.
We’re pleased to announce that Village, a tremendous supporter of Spectrospective, is presenting encore screenings of Spectrospective on April 22 and 23.
Spectrospective will screen as a double feature with Disney family favourite Moana, with tickets from $5.
I encourage you to see Spectrospective 2017 on the big screen.

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