CEO: Closing the gap in educational outcomes for autistic students.

It’s Education Week, a theme of `Healthy Mind, Healthy Body’.
The goal of the week is to profile the strengths and achievements of Victoria’s education sector, with the theme of ‘Healthy Mind, Healthy Body’ supporting the education system’s target of `Happy, Healthy and Resilient Kids’.
When it comes to autistic students, the education system has much work to do to create environments that promote happiness, health and resilience.

School can be very challenging for autistic students

We know the school environment can be very challenging for autistic students, both inside and outside the classroom. Often their strengths are not harnessed for learning.

School can pose major challenges.

Autistic students have a right to access and participate in school on the same basis as students without disability, but it must be recognised that the learning and support needs of many autistic students are not currently being met.
Many students have negative experiences socially and emotionally , resulting in poorer educational outcomes.
Amaze is committed to its role in advocacy to close the gap in educational outcomes for autistic students.
We continue to advocate for autistic students an education system that provides an inclusive culture and multi-faceted, individualised, needs-based approach that is tailored to their strengths and unique learning style.
This is underpinned with appropriate resourcing and accountability framework.
Individual needs must be met
No single education setting or approach can meet the needs of all autistic students.
Regardless of where a child lives or their socio-economic circumstances, they must be able to choose an education that will meet their individual needs socially, emotionally and academically.
To achieve these goals, all autistic students should receive funding and support based on their strengths and functional needs.

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