Growing with autism: APAC 17's 'whole lifespan' agenda

‘Growing with autism’ is the theme for the 2017 Asia Pacific Autism Conference, reflecting the shift in autism research
and practice to look beyond the early childhood and school years and focus on the
whole lifespan for people on the spectrum.

Michael John Carley: speaks on needs of teens and adults.

The conference brings together people on the spectrum and their family members,
service providers, researchers and policy makers as one community, so that people
on the spectrum can realise their potential and achieve their best.
The Asia Pacific Autism Conference, which began in Sydney in 2009, is held every second year.
APAC returns to Sydney in 2017 at Darling Harbour’s International Convention Centre.
Twenty one world leaders in the field have already committed to speaking at APAC
Speakers include Peter Vermeulen from Belgium, who will give the opening address and Dr Barry Prizant (author of Uniquely Human), who will give the closing address.

Dr Barbaro: research fellow at OTARC.

With its theme of growing with autism, the conference will bring together delegates across a wide range of disciplines.  It will inspire participants to

  • access opportunities to build relationships,
  • explore intervention strategies,
  • learn about new research developments and
  • celebrate experiences and achievements and raise awareness about autism.

Conference website
Conference details and the full list of speakers
Asia Pacific Autism Conference 2017
International Convention Centre, Sydney
7 – 9 September 2017
Pre-conference workshops 6 September 2017

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