Amaze, the peak body for autistic people and their families in Victoria, welcomes the release of the Victorian Parliamentary Inquiry into services for people on the autism spectrum.
The report highlights the inequity that autistic Victorians face every day – from gaining employment, going to school, accessing services and support they require, to facing ongoing stigma and discrimination.
The Report contains 101 recommendations aimed to holistically addressing the disadvantage that autistic Victorians experience, so that the autistic community have the same opportunities to participate fully in the community and live an ordinary life.
Today’s report highlights the urgent need for action, Amaze CEO Fiona Sharkie said.
“Autistic people have faced discrimination and stigma in our society for too long, resulting in poorer educational and employment outcomes than other people with disability. Today’s reports highlights these facts and importantly lays a roadmap to close these gaps,” she said.
“Whilst the Report is welcome, we now look to the Government to show leadership and embrace the 101 recommendations and address the systemic failures highlighted in the Report.
“I call on the Government to work with the true experts, autistic people, along with their families, carers and representative groups, in the development of its response to these recommendations.
“Today’s report provides the Government with an opportunity address this public concern. Half of Australians have a personal connection to autism, and 74% of Australians want to see more done to address the lack of understanding of autism in our schools, workplaces and the wider community.
“Amaze, along with the rest of the Victorian autism community, wait with anticipation for the Government’s response.” Ms Sharkie said.
Amaze collated the views of more than 700 autistic Victorians and their families to develop a comprehensive submission of 54 recommendations to the Inquiry.  We are pleased to see significant number of these recommendation adopted by the Committee.
Ms Sharkie also said, “I am delighted that the Inquiry heard directly from many autistic Victorians from all parts of the State, and it’s heartening to see their voices and experiences in the Report.”
The report is available here:
Fiona Sharkie, CEO Amaze is available for interview.

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