Call on Government to accept recommendations: Join our campaign!

In 2015, the Victorian Family and Community Services Committee established a Parliamentary Inquiry into Services for people with Autism Spectrum Disorder.
Over 18 months the committee received over 150 submissions, and heard from over 120 witnesses at 11 hearings across Victoria.

The final report was tabled in Parliament on June 22 and contains 101 recommendations to create a more inclusive and supportive Victoria for autistic people. The 101.
Now the Victorian autism community needs to come together and tell the Government to take action to accept and implement the 101 recommendations.
We are seeking your support
That’s why we have established the “I am for the 101” campaign. We’re seeking your support to advocate for the full implementation of the 101.
You can help us and all autistic Victorians by taking action and sign the petition.
The Government is currently considering the report and 101 recommendations and has until December to deliver its response. We want all Victorians to show their support for autistic Victorians and tell our politicians that we want action.
For too long autistic people have received inadequate support.
We want Victoria to be an Autism leader, and we need your support to make it happen

Join us and sign the petition at

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