Inquiry into career advice activities in Victorian schools: complete our survey and help inform Amaze's submission

The Victorian Parliament’s Economic, Education, Jobs and Skills Committee is conducting an Inquiry into Career Advice Activities in Victorian Schools.
We want to hear about your experiences and views so that they can inform our submission to this inquiry.
Please complete this survey if you, or someone you care for has recently left or is likely to leave high school within the next two years.
There are no right or wrong answers. Participation is completely voluntary.
The Committee will be examining the:
• relationship between career advice activities and workforce participation of young Victorians;
• extent to which career advice activities meet the needs of school leavers;
• challenges advisers face helping young Victorians transition from education to the workforce;
• strategies to improve the effectiveness of career advice activities for school leavers;
• career advice needs of young people in regional Victoria and ways to address these needs; and
• approach of other governments both in Australia and overseas have and whether these approaches should be implemented in Victoria.
This survey will close on 4 December 2017.
Unless otherwise agreed, the answers and comments you provide will be held in the strictest confidence and not disclosed to others. The response of everyone who participates in this survey will be combined for analysis.
Click this link to participate in the survey

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