Stars of Amaze community shine in Commonwealth Games baton relay

On 13 March 2017, Her Majesty The Queen placed her message inside a baton to begin the relay for the 2018 Gold Coast Commonwealth Games.

Cheers all round for Catriona Tyrrell

Almost a year later, two outstanding members of the Amaze community have had the once in lifetime opportunity to carry the baton through their town.
Catriona Tyrrell, a social sciences graduate and scout leader, carried the baton along Watton Street, Werribee.
Catriona, who aims to work in the youth justice system, said “it was an incredible honour” to be among the handful of Werribee locals chosen to participate in the event.
Hours later, Ballarat Specialist School student Corey Loader, acknowledged for his extensive charity and fundraising work, was cheered by classmates as he carried the baton along Drummond Street in Ballarat.
Corey also stopped for a chat with marathon legend and Ballarat local Steve Moneghetti.
“It was just great to have my schoolmates there… really nice of them to cheer me on,” a modest Corey said.
Community spirit

Corey joins forces with Steve Moneghetti

Moneghetti put the baton relay in context when he spoke to Ballarat media.
“When you’re on the bus together (baton carriers), you’re seeing a lot of people who are pretty emotional about it who have done so much good work in the community.
“They’re humble, they’re modest, but you can tell on the inside they’re really excited and to share that with so many people,” Moneghetti said.

When the Baton arrives at the Opening Ceremony on 4 April 2018, the Monarchy’s message will be removed from the Baton and read aloud to declare the Gold Coast 2018 Commonwealth Games open.

The Queen’s Baton Relay is a games tradition that calls the Commonwealth’s athletes to come together in peaceful and friendly competition.
Travelling for 388-days the Baton Relay will be the longest and most accessible ever. It will visit 69 nations and territories before arriving in Australia on 25 December 2017.
The Queen’s Baton has been specially designed to capture the boundless energy of the Gold Coast and is an inspiring symbol that will connect the Commonwealth with Australia, Queensland and the Gold Coast.

  • The Gold Coast 2018 Commonwealth Games is on from the 4 to 15 April 2018.
  • 2018 will mark 60 years since a baton was first used to carry Her Majesty The Queen’s message from Buckingham Palace to the opening of the Games.
  • The baton will travel around Australia for 100 days
  • Australian batonbearers will be announced in October 2017.
  • The baton will travel 230,000km around the world
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