Amaze plays proud part in Parks Victoria winning Tourism Awards

Amaze is proud to have played a part in Parks Victoria winning Victorian and Australian Tourism Awards.
Parks Victoria won for their accessibility program in the Specialised Tourism Services category.

Celebration: Fiona Sharkie (far left) and Fiona Ransley (second from right).

Parks Victoria Board member and Chair Victorian Visitor Economy Ministerial Advisory Committee, John Pandazopoulos, this week hosted a morning tea attended by Amaze CEO Fiona Sharkie and community development co-ordinator Fiona Ransley.
Parks Victoria is a national leader in providing nature-based park experiences for all ages and abilities and is working to increase the accessibility of its parks for people on the autism spectrum.
The Brimbank Park and Serendip Sanctuary social script resources for children on the autism spectrum were developed with Amaze.
The social script has photographs and simple text to show children what they may see and experience during a visit to a park.
You can read them this resource or download the Word document to print out.
You can also cut and paste the pages to create a story that best suits your child and your planned park visit.
A version of the social script is also available in Key Word Sign Australia format, suited for children who are learning to use Key Word Sign to facilitate communication.

Vanessa Wiggenraad (PV) and Fiona Sharkie.

Social scripts: Improving park access for autism friendly visits
Parks Victoria manages a diverse estate of national parks, marine sanctuaries, wilderness areas and much of Victoria’s coastline.
In recent years, Parks Victoria’s through its Healthy Parks Healthy People philosophy of Access for All, has made parks a destination of choice for visitors with disabilities.
As a result, Parks Victoria has been recognised within Australia and around the world as a leader in inclusive and accessible tourism.
New innovations include customised visitor information, accessible accommodation at Wilsons Promontory National Park and a suite of specialised services that enables inclusive recreation in Victoria’s more remote and treasured natural environments.

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