Amaze New Chair : Judy Brewer

The Amaze Board of Directors is delighted to announce the appointment of Ms Judy Brewer AO as Chair of the Amaze Board.
Judy is highly recognised as an outstanding leader and advocate for autism having devoted the last 20 years to driving change and elevating the needs of autistic people and their families to governments and the wider community.

Most recently Judy has served as the Founding Chair of the National Co-operative Research Centre for Autism (Autism CRC) from 2013 – 2017 and has an extensive list of achievements in creating and leading autism organisations including Autism Asperger’s Advocacy Australia (Founder and Inaugural Convenor).  Other roles include Director of the Autism Council of Australia, a member of the Australian Autism Alliance, an Ambassador to the Asia Pacific Autism Conference and she has been appointed to a number of Commonwealth and State Government Committees.
In 2013 Judy was awarded the Asia Pacific Autism Award, and is a Life Member and former co-Patron of Autism Spectrum Australia (Aspect).
In the 2016 Australia Day Awards she became an Officer of the Order of Australia (AO) for distinguished service to people with a disability, particularly to those with Autism Spectrum Disorders, to refugees living in rural areas, to women and to education.
Judy has been an active member of Amaze for over twenty years and is a parent of an autistic adult.
Amaze will benefit from Judy’s strong leadership, drive and extensive experience within the autism sector in delivering Amaze’s Strategic Plan.
The appointment follows the resignation of Ms Shannon Eeles, who has stepped down after six years on the Amaze Board and the last year as Chair.
The Board thanks Shannon for her six years of dedicated service.

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