Behaviours of concern: participate in Amaze's important survey

Amaze is surveying families of children with a disability about behaviours of concern.
We invite you to do this survey.
Behaviours of concern is when a person’s behaviour puts themselves or others at risk.

We hope to learn more about these kind of behaviours and what parents do to help.
The results will help us to write an information sheet on this topic. There will be information on restrictive and least restrictive practices.
This information sheet will be for families, carers and schools.
This survey is voluntary.
You can stop the survey at any time.
Your answers will be kept private and only used to help write the information sheet. This survey will take no longer than 15 minutes to do.
Please do this survey if:
• Your child is pre-school or school age
• Your child has had a behaviour of concern in the last 12 months
To do the survey, follow this link
This survey will be open until May 1st 2018.

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