Quinn Lahiff-Jenkins assault

Amaze was shocked to learn of the Tuesday afternoon attack of autistic teenager Quinn Lahiff-Jenkins outside of Northcote High School.
It’s an attack that has shocked the autism community and the public. We extend our best wishes to Quinn and his family as they recover from the physical and psychological harm this incident has caused.
The media was quick to pick up on the story and it’s been featured across a number of media outlets in the past 48 hours. Here are just a few of the stories that Amaze has been quoted in:

Autistic kids are four times more likely to be bullied than other students. Terrible incidents like this demonstrate that more education is needed in schools around autism. As our CEO Fiona Sharkie reported to The Australian newspaper, “From the principal to the students to the parents to the tuck shop ladies, we need people to understand the challenges autistic kids face but also their great potential.”
Read Amaze’s Education Policy Position Statement for our recommendations for change to enable autistic students to access an education system that celebrates diversity, meets their needs and enables individuals to reach their full potential.

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