Tell us your story to help us build greater understanding of autism

Amaze’s research shows that only 29 percent of the public feel they know how to support an autistic person. Amaze wants to change that by building community understanding of how autism affects people and what they can do to help.
To do this, we are asking autistic people and their families to tell us their own stories of when they’ve found situations difficult because adjustments and support have not been provided to accommodate their autism traits.
Amaze is interested in hearing about experiences you or your family member has had at school, at work, at social functions, at sporting or entertainment events, at the shops or café’s/restaurants, on public transport, visiting friends and relatives, or anywhere else.
Amaze wants to hear about these types of personal experiences of autistic people so we can educate others about how the environment (light, noise, smells) or not having enough time to process information or not understanding what is being said makes a situation uncomfortable and difficult for autistic people.
If you are an autistic person, or a family member/carer of an autistic person, we’d love to hear your story. Please help inform our education activities by completing our online survey.

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