'I don't cry easily': Amaze CEO sheds tears over donation to build understanding of autism

Amaze CEO Fiona Sharkie has made an emotion-charged appearance at a CFMEU Vic-Tas barbecue, where she was presented with a cheque in support of the work we do in raising understanding and influencing positive change for autistic people, their supporters and families.

CFMEU Vic-Tas generously raised over $50,000, a donation, our CEO said, that will have a significant impact.
“I don’t cry easily but I will say I did cry a couple of Fridays ago when told how much money that you had raised for us,” she told members of all construction unions at the CBUS Property/Multiplex Collins Arch site.
“I just want you to know that it’s probably the biggest donation we’ve ever had at Amaze in my four years of being there.
“It means an enormous amount to us, that’s why I cried. I really want to thank you from our hearts at Amaze.”
Video: watch the emotional cheque presentation
CFMEU Vic-Tas Secretary John Setka told the gathering, “For a few dollars that you throw in for a worthy cause like this, the difference you make … is absolutely incredible.
“There’s a lot of causes around, but this (Amaze) is one of the big causes. This goes to kids and families and we’ve got to help them.”
The CFMEU early this year announced to its members it was proud to support the work of Amaze, launching a range of 100% Australian CFMEU/Amaze merchandise on its website
At the launch of the merchandise, CFMEU Vic-Tas said: “So many of us are affected directly by autism or have family and friends who are and we know the money raised will make a real difference to people’s lives.

“CFMEU members are a unique bunch of people, everyone is different, but we come together as one in our union.
“Every person on the autism spectrum is different, no two people on the autism spectrum are alike, and each will experience autism in different ways.
“Most of us have a family member, friend, workmate or someone close to us who is on the autism spectrum. In fact, it is estimated that 1 in every 100 Australians is on the spectrum, as many as 230,000 Australians”.
CFMEU members had been asked to play a role in raising understanding of autism in a number of ways, including:

  • If you don’t already know about autism, find out and spread the word – talk to your family, friends and workmates.
  • Awareness is crucial to improving people’s lives. Start by taking a look at the Amaze website
  • Buy the merchandise and raise money for Amaze to change lives. Talk to Beck in the CFMEU office about visiting your site, or buy merchandise online.
Next time you pass a major construction site in Melbourne, look into the sky. You may just see an Amaze flag fluttering proudly from a crane.

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