Autism Advisory Group sets NDIS priorities: Amaze encouraged by 'collaborative approach'

Amaze is a member of the new Autism Advisory Group. This media release is from Ministers for the Department of Social Services
The new Autism Advisory Group (AAG) will provide a strong voice on behalf of people with autism who are participating in the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS).
Minister for Social Services Dan Tehan said the Australian Government established the AAG because of its commitment to a collaborative, fact-based approach to autism and the rollout of the NDIS.
“The Autism Advisory Group includes autism experts, service providers and people with lived experience of autism,” Mr Tehan said.
“The Group will advise the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) on autism, and how to deliver the best outcomes for adults and children.”
The AAG has set four priorities for the next 12 months:

  • Exploring the most appropriate approach for assessing NDIS eligibility and improving outcomes for people with autism,
  • Improving the NDIS participant experience for people with autism,
  • Enhancing the skills of NDIA staff, Local Area Coordinators and Early Childhood Early Intervention staff, and
  • Providing greater mainstream and community inclusion for people with autism.

The media release from Ministers for the Department of Social Services
Amaze Acting CEO Braedan Hogan said: “We are encouraged by the NDIA’s collaborative approach in working with autistic people and the autism sector. Only by working together can we ensure we maximise the investment the NDIA is making in autistic people.”
The Autism Advisory Group (AAG) met on 6 July 2018.
Members committed to working in partnership and to developing a trust-based and collaborative relationship within the group and with the sector more broadly.
In that spirit, it was agreed that improving life outcomes for people with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) (both participants and non-participants) should be the Group’s core guiding principle.
Against that background, the first AAG meeting was positive with all members sharing their perspectives and moving to a shared and agreed understanding of the key issues and priorities.
Autism Advisory Group communique July 2018

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