Final week to apply for position of Amaze non-executive board director

Established in 1967, and renamed Amaze Inc. in 2013, Amaze is a non-profit organisation operating as the peak body for autistic people in Victoria.
Amaze aims for a society that respects the dignity of every autistic person and offers them real opportunities to participate and contribute.
We want every autistic person to have the opportunity to exercise their own choice to participate meaningfully in, and make a valued contribution to, our society.
We build awareness, understanding, engagement and acceptance of autism. We develop community capacity by working with others to help them value and support autistic people and their families.
The board provides oversight to achieving the Amaze Strategic Directions to 2040.
The Amaze board is a skills-based board comprising Directors with core competencies in governance as well as specific expertise and qualifications relating to the organisation’s priorities.
Autistic and non-autistic people from culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) or Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander backgrounds are also encouraged to apply where they have the skills and experience relevant to one of the expertise categories.
The board is currently seeking to appoint up to three directors in the categories of:

  • Chair/Governance/Leadership
  • Financial/Accounting
  • Advocacy / Community Support for Autistic people
  • Autistic people with complex needs &/or a family member/carer

Further detail for each of these categories is provided in the attached  Position Description.
The Amaze board meets every two months at 5.30pm in Carlton and board members also participate on board committees and in the annual strategic planning meeting.
Board members serve on a voluntary basis, with no remuneration, for a term of three years.
How to Apply for this role: 
Please complete the Nomination Form (attached) and address the Core Competencies and Specific Skills and Qualifications for the category for which you wish to apply to the Board Chair via [email protected] by 4pm on Friday 21 September, 2018.
2018 Board Call for Nominations: Chair Letter
2018 Amaze Board Director Position Description
2018 Amaze Board Nomination Form

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