Victorian Election Autism Forum on 12 Nov

Please join Amaze, Aspergers Victoria, Different Journeys, I CAN Network and Yellow Ladybugs for a special Victorian State Election autism forum.

  • 12 November, 2018 from 6–7.30pm 
  • State Library Victoria, Isabella Fraser Room (Entry 5 on LaTrobe St)
  • Representatives from Victorian Labor, Liberal, Greens and Reason parties to attend
  • Tickets are free – register here

Since 2015, lengthy inquiries and reviews into services for autistic people have resulted in hundreds of recommendations for improving supports, but not enough is being done. 55,000 autistic Victorians and their families are still waiting for change. It’s time to act for autism.
Amaze has – in consultation with autistic people and their families – identified our Top 10 Priorities, which outline what action must be taken to ensure autistic people have the same opportunities for participation and contribution as all other Victorians. To make Victoria “The Autism State”.
On 12 November, we are bringing together representatives from the Victorian Labor, Liberal, Greens and Reason parties to share with the autism community how their parties will act for autism.

On the panel:

  • Gabrielle Williams MP Parliamentary Secretary for Carers and Volunteers
  • Bernie Finn MP Shadow Assistant Minister for Autism Spectrum Disorder
  • Samantha Ratnam MP Leader of the Victorian Greens
  • Fiona Patten MP Leader of Fiona Patten’s Reason Party

The event will be moderated, and there will be an opportunity for community members to ask questions of the panel.
We particularly welcome autistic participants and will be supporting autistic involvement through the provision of quiet spaces, adjustable lighting, reserved aisle and other seating for autistic people, Amaze support staff on hand should autistic people need to leave the room and find a quiet space or need other support, and autism-sensitive catering (plain, non spicy food).

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