Have you got your ticket to the Autism in Women & Girls Forum, Thursday March 21st?

On March 21, join psychologists Dr Michael Carr-Gregg and Dr Janine Manjiviona, autistic self-advocate Chloe Hayden and Family Planning Victoria’s Vanessa Thomas at Amaze’s Raising Autistic Teenage Girls forum.

This fantastic day of discussion and learning will cover a wide range of must-know topics, including: technology, building resilience, socialising, relationships and sexuality.
Increasing understanding of Autism in women and girls is a key priority for Amaze, and with good reason.
The number of females diagnosed with autism is increasing, and it’s likely due to a historical lack of research and understanding.
If you’re an autistic teenage girl yourself, a parent, or a professional working with teenage girls, this forum is for you. Join us to learn, discuss and explore the big issues facing young autistic women together.
Tickets are $195 each. Secure your spot today: raisingautisticteenagegirls.eventbrite.com.au

*This event accepts the Companion Card. To book Companion Card tickets, please contact Claire Holden on 03 9657 1621 or [email protected]
For those with Self or Plan Managed NDIS plans, this event may be paid using your Capacity Building funds if reasonable and necessary to help you or the person with a disability meet their goals.

Event details:

  • Time: 9am registration for a 9.30am start, 3.30pm finish
  • Location: Glen Eira Town Hall, Glen Eira & Hawthorn Rd, Caulfield VIC 3162
  • *a quiet room will be available on the day

Ideal for:

  • Parents of autistic girls
  • Autistic teenagers
  • Teachers and professionals who work with autistic teenagers

Learn more about the speakers for this event:

Dr Michael Carr-Gregg
Dr Michael Carr-Gregg is one of Australia’s highest profile adolescent and child psychologists. He currently works in private practice as well as consulting to Inowell, a joint project between PWC, the University of Sydney and the Federal Government.
He wrote his PhD at the University of NSW on Adolescents with Cancer and named and founded CanTeen more than 30 years ago with a group of young cancer patients.
He has worked as an academic, researcher, and political lobbyist. He is also the author of 12 books and a columnist for a number of leading publications such as the Huffington Post.  

Dr Janine Manjiviona
Janine is a clinical psychologist specialising in Autism. She works therapeutically with individuals (children and adults) and families, offering a range of services, including diagnostic assessments for all ages and treatment for related issues such as anxiety and depression. Janine has a strong interest in the specific nature of autism in women and girls and the unique challenges they face.
Janine’s areas of interest include:

  • Differences in how male and female children and adults with ASD present.
  • Challenges of ASD diagnosis in girls and women.
  • Building strengths in girls and women with ASD.


Chloe Hayden
Chloe Hayden is a twenty-one-year-old girl from country Victoria and will be speaking about her lived experience as an autistic person. After struggling through her childhood and early teenage years by not feeling included in society, Chloe realised she wasn’t the only child who felt like this.
Chloe took charge of the situation, and now spends her life living her dream through acting, performing and advocating for children on the spectrum through interactive, fun videos and blog posts, which tackle the harder pressed details of living with Autism while keeping it fun. Chloe encourages and entertains young people, and also provides education for their parents.
Chloe is an ambassador for Yellow Ladybugs, Asperger’s Victoria and Treehouse Geelong. She dedicates her life to being a role model, advocate and encourager to children and adults alike on the Autism spectrum. She helps families to get a greater understanding of Autism. Her life mission is to show the world that different doesn’t mean less.”

Vanessa Thomas
Vanessa Thomas has an extensive background in leadership with hands-on experience in community services, specifically within the disability and community education sectors.
Having worked in a variety of roles which have included residential and respite settings for people with cognitive disability, Vanessa has also worked as an Individual Support Package Facilitator, as well as a Trainer and Assessor in Certificate IV Disability Studies.
With a keen and passionate interest in Autism Spectrum Disorder, Vanessa and has worked with Amaze (Autism Victoria) as a trainer and assessor/community educator, developing their Positive Behaviour Support material as well as delivering information sessions on ASD.
Vanessa’s prior experience as Manager of Education Services at Carers Victoria and as a parent of two teenage daughters who both have ASD, have led Vanessa to being an advocate for the needs and wellbeing of parents and carers especially those who care for someone with ASD.
As the current Manager of Community Services at Family Planning Victoria, Vanessa is also completing a Master of Disability Policy and Practice with her thesis examining the factors affecting sexual identity and sexual health literacy of girls with high-functioning ASD.


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