Spectrospective 2019 is here! Let's get to 'Work'

Entries are open for Spectrospective 2019! Whether you shoot it with your phone, laptop, iPad or camera, we’re ready and waiting to hear your stories of work, work experience or volunteering.

What is Spectrospective?

Every year on 2 April, we celebrate World Autism Acceptance Day and build community understanding of autism by sharing your stories in a powerful short film called Spectrospective.
Spectrospective will be shown online and at Village Cinemas across Victoria and Tasmania to share the real experiences of autistic people and bust myths around autism. Together, we can create a more inclusive, understanding world.
Find out more at www.spectrospective.com.au

Spectrospective 2019: Work

Employment is an important part of our lives – it provides financial security, social connection, and builds our self-esteem.
However, for autistic people, the path to employment can be challenging. In Australia, the unemployment rate for autistic people is 31% – almost six times that of people without disability, and three times the rate of people with disability generally. Unemployment and underemployment can have lifelong effects, including loss of confidence and self-esteem, increased mental health issues, and dependence on government and family support.
Autistic people bring unique strengths, skills and talents to the workforce. As we look to a future that is more complex than ever, the genuine diversity of thinking that autistic people offer can drive innovation and create positive, inclusive change in Australia.
This is why employment is one of Amaze’s six strategic priority areas, and why we’ve chosen to spotlight work in 2019.
Spectrospective 2019 will share the stories of autistic people – from those dreaming of what they’ll do in the future to those who are in their dream job now – to bust myths, change attitudes and show Australia how much autistic people have to offer the world of work.

I want to share my story!

We invite all autistic people to be part of Spectrospective 2019 by submitting a 5-minute video about your employment experiences, challenges or ambitions. Entries close at midnight on Sunday 3 February 2019. 
Whether you are working now, have worked in the past, are doing work experience or want to work in the future – every story is important.
Share your story now!
If you would like to share your story, but would like support to create your video, please contact Amaze on 03 9657 1600 or email [email protected].

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