Hoodie Up for Autism this April!


On Tuesday 2 April 2019, schools  and businesses across Victoria will mark World Autism Acceptance Day by hosting #HoodieUp events to raise funds and show their support for autistic people.

Why hoodies? Some autistic people experience sensory sensitivities and can become overloaded by stimuli in their environment; wearing their hoodie up means they can block out bright lights and busy environments which helps calm them.
By gathering together at 11am on 2 April 2019 and putting our hoodies up, we’re showing a little more understanding of how we can support and embrace autistic people and celebrate the diversity autism brings to our world.
You can #HoodieUp any way you want: hold an assembly, host a morning tea, get together to watch a Spectrospective video… Just ask everyone who comes along to wear their hoodie (if it’s okay with your school or office!) and make a small donation to support Amaze. Every conversation can create change, every dollar can make a difference.
To participate in Hoodie Up 2019, sign-up below!


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