Survey: Help inform Amaze’s submission to mental health Royal Commission

Are you an autistic person, or do you care for an autistic person, and have experience of Victoria’s mental health services? We want to hear from you! 

Amaze is developing a submission to the Royal Commission into Victoria’s Mental Health System. To ensure the submission reflects the real needs of the autism community, we’re asking you to share your stories and experiences through a survey (created in consultation with autistic people).

Find out more about the Royal Commission here.

The survey is anonymous and the results will not identify individuals. Any information you supply that identifies you will be modified to ensure you remain anonymous. Participation is completely voluntary, and there are no right or wrong answers.

Amaze will use the information submitted to create a comprehensive submission to the Royal Commission – and may use the survey data for future advocacy and research work.

The survey closes on Sunday 9 June 2019.

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