Positive tips and activities for isolation


We are all getting used to a different way of living at the moment. It’s hard, and dealing with the effects of coronavirus can make everything seem more challenging. 


Below are some links to help you with the wellbeing of yourself and those you care for, activities and entertainment, and places to connect with others. Some links are to autism-specific info, and some are not. All of these suggestions are general, and may not be suitable for everyone.

If you want tips and advice specific to you and your situation, please contact our Autism Advisors. They can help you with a very big range of things that may be unique to you and your life. They can also give referrals to other services. Call 1300 308 699 or email [email protected]

This piece will be updated regularly. 


Click a category below to open the links

For adults (and maybe kids)


Especially for kids

  • Sesame Street and Autism – Coronavirus-related tips for families with autistic children, including language and strategies for providing comfort, creating routines, and staying physically and psychologically healthy as a family. There are videos featuring Julia, her family, and Sesame Street friends, plus a special animation featuring Julia and her beloved stuffed bunny ‘Fluffster’. 
  • Lunch Doodles with Mo Willems – Join Mo Willems, The Kennedy Center’s artist in residence, in his studio for weekday lunch doodles. There are 15 video episodes, each with downloadable activities. (The Kennedy Center is named after JFK and is the Center for the Performing Arts in Washington D.C). 
  • Dance games – a list of games available on different gaming consoles. 
  • Apps, websites, and video games – to inspire running, jumping, and more to stay active. 
  • NGV Kids at home – Choose from activity sheets and e-books for free things to do at home or school. Print or take inspiration with paper and pencils at hand. Transform the kitchen table into a table-top studio and turn potential boredom into productivity.



  • Singing games – Theta Music Trainer. Games to improve singing. 
  • The Full Voice – vocal activities for young singers, including free resources. 
  • Mini Maestros – music workshops for pre-schoolers. They are offering online classes and a free lesson to try it out. 
  • Couch Choir – an online alternative to the popular Pub Choir movement that can’t host in-person events. Anyone can participate by learning the song and recording themselves singing – no talent required! The current one is due to finish on 19 March but there are likely to be more coming up. 
  • Melbourne Symphony Orchestra – live stream their concerts. 

  • Walking or bike riding can improve your mental health – remember to check for any government directions about leaving your home
  • Progressive Muscle Relaxation Meditation for kids  
  • Cosmic Kids Yoga
  • The Body Coach (YouTube) – this UK fitness instructor specialises in short, high-intensity workouts you can do in a room with little or no equipment. There’s a series of 5-minute videos for kids. 
  • Calm app 
  • Mindfully – ABC radio’s mindfulness podcast
  • Mindfulness and meditation apps for kids 
  • SPROUTan app designed by Special Olympics Asia Pacific for individuals with intellectual disabilities  
  • School of Strength  – an initiative from the Special Olympics. It is an interactive online platform that encourages athletes to participate in a fun training program at home.   
  • Aerobase and Aerobase Community are designed to introduce aerobic steps to children and adults with a disability.   
  • Autism Teen Wellbeing – for parents and caregivers, teachers, schools and communities. This site provides resources and strategies to help build protective factors against depression and anxiety for vulnerable young people by cultivating a sense of belonging and the ability to regulate emotions in the face of stress. Developed by Autism CRC, Positive Partnerships, and Queensland University of Technology.
  • Molehill Mountain an app to help autistic people understand and self-manage anxiety by Autistica and King’s College London.  

There’s so much to watch – we’ve made separate articles with some of our recommendations:

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