Update from the CEO on Education: Friday July 17

Hi, I’m Fiona Sharkie, CEO of Amaze. 

Its been a big week for us following the announcement made by the Premier and Education Minister last Sunday morning that ALL students with a disability will be able to choose to learn at home or learn at school during this next period of school lock down.

On Sunday morning I received a call ahead of the announcement and felt so pleased that our work with the Association for Children with Disabilities in relaying our communities’ challenges with remote and flexible learning in Term 2 had resulted in the government recognizing that couldn’t be repeated in the Term 3 school shut down. 

This week, we’ve met with Minister Merlino, his Parliamentary Secretary Tim Richardson and twice with the Dept of Education to feed into the implementation of this announcement. 

What is clear from the Minister is that all government schools must be open for students with disabilities from next Monday, should those students wish to attend. 

That Special Schools opened earlier in the return to school in Term 2, and earlier this time in Term 3, shows the government has recognized the importance of providing more assistance to these students for their education.

The Dept of Education is working on communication to schools, but the Minister and the department has asked us to keep them informed of how our communities of students and their families are faring.  So please keep your feedback coming to us. 


How will it work?

  • All school staff – teachers and education support staff – are expected to be on site at schools. This is different to Term 2 where school staff were mostly working from home.  What remains is that school staff are not permitted to enter homes of students.
  • The curriculum for ALL students, either learning from home or at school, will be the same. However, this curriculum should be adapted and tailored for individual students with disabilities by their teacher or education support staff in either place (at home or at school).
  • All students with disabilities who have an Individual Education Plan should have that Plan reviewed and adjusted to the new shut down curriculum. Ideally a Student Support Group meeting should be held with the student, parent and teacher.
  • If students with disabilities do decide to go to school, they will be in the minority of students attending school, so it is unlikely they will have their same teacher, same education support staff, same classmates or even the same classroom. So they need to be prepared it will be different to usual.
  • If a student with disabilities decides they want to attend school, you should advise the school in advance so that the Principal is able to roster the staff on site accordingly. We will be providing a copy of the new form that parents have, or will be receiving.


Health Safety

The Chief Medical Officer has stated that the risk of children contracting and spreading coronavirus is low and that students can safely return to school.  

Additional hygiene and cleaning of all schools will take place.  Students will not be required to wear masks but can if they wish.

Amaze recognises that some students with disabilities may have co-existing health issues and attending schools may be too risky for them and that medical advice should be sought.



The DET Parent Advice Line 1800-338 663 or the Regional Office in your area can provide more information.

Amaze’s Autism Advisors on 1800 308 699 can also provide education advice specifically for autistic students.


Keep us posted

My final message is to restate that your feedback is absolutely vital to us advocating for you to the government, so I’d greatly appreciate you keeping in touch about any issues or concerns you might be facing in this next period of school shutdown. 

Amaze will keep you informed as new information emerges.

None of us wanted to see a return to restrictions and the enormous challenges this creates for us, but please know Amaze is in your corner to support as much as we can.

Stay well and stay in touch.

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