Submission to the Senate Select Committee on Autism and Survey findings

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Summary report of the survey of autistic people in Australia

In early 2020, Amaze and the Australian Autism Alliance worked with Professor Sandra Jones from the Australian Catholic University to undertake the most comprehensive survey of autistic people in Australia, outside of those managed by the Australian Bureau of Statistics. 

The survey received 3,884 responses from autistic people and carers and family members and outlines in detail how autistic people access government services, participate in the employment and education systems, and importantly how access to mainstream health, mental health and disability supports remains a challenge.

The report shows that while there have been improvements in how autistic people access mainstream services, there are still considerables that need to be addressed.

Amaze has used the insights from the survey to inform its submission to the Senate Inquiry into the services, support and life outcomes for autistic people, and will be working to see our recommendations reflected in the Senate Select Committee on Autism’s report to Parliament.We thank each of the 3,884 autistic people and their parents and carers who participated in the survey, and whose voices are now helping to drive change in the Federal Parliament.

Download the survey report summary

Submission to the Senate Select Committee on Autism

Amaze has led the consultation and development of the Australian Autism Alliance’s submission to the Inquiry into the services, support and life outcomes for autistic people in Australia.

In the submission, we call for major changes to how the Commonwealth Government funds, organises and supports services for autistic people, with our primary recommendation being for the establishment of a National Autism Strategy.

The submission would not have been possible without the input of the thousands of members of the autism community who contributed their personal experiences to the most comprehensive survey and report into autistic Australians and their families undertaken outside of the Australian Bureau of Statistics.

The voices of 3,884 respondents are reflected in the submission, and we thank each participant for their contribution.

Amaze and the Australian Autism Alliance will continue to push for real and meaningful change at the Federal level.

Download the full Senate Submission

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