Amaze launches second landmark survey on autistic experiences

Autistic people and their families are invited to take part in the second survey of our landmark study to uncover the “Experiences of autistic people and their families in society in Australia”.

The survey has been developed by autistic researchers and autistic people.

We want as many autistic people as possible to tell us how you are treated by others, what you want people to know about autism, and how you want to be described. 

The survey asks about how autistic people are coping in school, TAFE/Uni, at work, and in general community life. We’re also asking questions about how the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted you. 

This is a follow up to our 2017 study, which was an Australian-first. Those results provided new and vital insights into the experiences, opinions and needs of autistic people to be better supported in the community. 

Based on those results, Amaze created the Change Your Reactions campaign to improve community understanding of autism and behaviour towards autistic people.  

The results are also widely used by autism organisations, policy makers in government and the media Australia-wide. 

This 2021 study will show how things have changed since the last study, or not changed, as well as finding out new information.

The survey is conducted by the Australian Catholic University (ACU) on behalf of Amaze.

Details about completing the survey 

  • It is conducted online  
  • It will take you 15-20 minutes to complete  
  • Participation is voluntary and confidential  
  • You can answer all or any of the questions  

If you have questions about the survey, you can contact:  

To participate click here

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