Join us for a webinar on COVID-19 vaccinations

Amaze, in partnership with National Disability Services, have developed social scripts for autistic people that outline the process of getting a COVID-19 vaccination.

Autistic people may find the process of getting the vaccination stressful. These social scripts provide autistic people with an opportunity to prepare themselves for their vaccination and reduce anxiety.

Amaze is hosting a free webinar to launch the social scripts and answer any questions you may have about the process of getting a COVID-19 vaccination.


This free webinar will cover the benefits of social scripts for autistic people and information about getting the vaccine. There will be time for a Q&A from our panel of speakers, who will answer questions about vaccination and social scripts.

The speakers include:

  • Willow Metcalf. Willow is an autistic woman and a lived experience advisor at Amaze. Working with Amaze and NDS, Willow helped develop the COVID-19 vaccination social scripts.
  • Dr Shiraz Mahkri. Dr Mahkri is representing the Department of Health as a Clinical Champion for the Vaccine Champions program. Dr Mahkri has an interest in encouraging and safeguarding the community from further detriments of the COVID-19 pandemic. Dr Mahkri also has an interest in helping those that are hesitant or low in health literacy and is the President of Muslim Health Professionals Australia (MHPA).

Event details

Date: 5 August 2021 
Time: 12pm — 1pm 
Location: Zoom, link to be provided in advance. 
Cost: Free


You can register your attendance on Eventbrite. A zoom webinar link will be emailed the day before the webinar.


Ask our panel a question

Fill in the following form to have your question submitted to our panel. Due to time constraints, not all questions can be answered and we cannot provide individual advice.

Please refer to the Australian Government COVID-19 vaccination website for more information on vaccinations and information for people with disability.

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