Amaze Award Winners Announced

The 2014 recipients of the Amaze Awards for service to the Autism Spectrum Disorder Community were announced on Friday 8 August at the Victorian Autism Conference.
This is the second time the awards have been presented and we were overwhelmed with the response and calibre of nominees.
Amaze would like to congratulate the following award recipients:

  • Emerging Researcher: Dr Nicole Papadopoulos
  • Volunteer: Karen Muntz
  • Exemplary Service: Fiona Le Nepveu
  • Individual Achievement Future Leader: Eva Perez
  • Patronage business partnership: Country Cobb Bakery, Kate and Declan Neale
  • Educator of Excellence: Leanne Potter

Thank you to all who participated in the Amaze Awards for 2014.
Photographs by Rose Ayliffe Photography

Leanne Potter Educator Of Excellence

Educator of Excellence: Leanne Potter (centre) with Jane Evans Amaze Board Chair (Left) and Amaze CEO Fiona Sharkie (Right)

Eva Perez

Eva Perez accepting her award for Individual Achievement

Fiona Le Nepveu

Exemplary Service: Fiona Le Nepveu (Centre) with Jane Evans (Left) and Fiona Sharkie (Right)

Dr Nicole Papadopolous

Amaze CEO Fiona Sharkie congratulates Dr Nicole Papadopolos on receiving the Emerging Research Award

Kate Neale Country Cobb Bakery

Kate Neale from the Country Cobb Bakery accepts the Award for Patronage/Business Partnership

Karen Muntz

Karen Muntz (Centre) with her Volunteer Award along Fiona Sharkie (Left) and Jane Evans (Right)

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