What did Spectrospective mean to those who took part?

Spectrospective: Stories of Autism
Spectrospective: Stories of Autism – reactions from some of those who took part

We always saw Spectrospective as making an impact on people who know little about autism.
But one of the unexpected things to come out of it is what it has meant to those who took part in creating it. Amaze wanted to hear your stories and to have you speak and convey to others what life on the spectrum means to you, in your own way, unedited and unfiltered, for others to see. Your videos are original, informative, varied, courageous, funny and bold.  Your stories continue to be viewed and shared.  It’s exactly what we aimed for.
But the most uplifting aspect of creating Spectrospective has been the reactions from some of you who made a film, and what that did for you.

“Since my diagnosis, I have believed strongly that we [autistic people] need to speak for ourselves.  I have camera phobia – speaking to camera is extremely difficult for me.  The cognitive exertion (of making the film) resulted in me being sick for three days … yet it was extremely empowering … [it] has transformed my fear of speaking out on video from insurmountable to achievable.  I am currently planning to record more videos.”

“Thank you for giving me the opportunity to push myself out of my comfort zone and put this video together. I also sent it to close friends and family to give them a greater understanding of Autism”.

“Being a part of this movie has absolutely been beneficial for me as it has given people in our lives an idea of what we go through from day to day and why we sometimes are really tired and exhausted. I am proud of showing our reality even though it was heart breaking but it clearly hit the spot as so many people could see themselves in my place. We need to show people more of the hardness of autism to gain a complete picture of autism and I am more than happy to do so if it means a chance for my children to be accepted amongst the world.”

“Spreading the message is what really mattered all along, and that worked, which is great.”

“I think it was a terrific idea of us doing the film for World Autism Awareness Day. It shows a lot of diversity and I like watching other people’s stories as well. I think it’s a very good idea – I like it so much and I shared it a lot with my friends.”

 “I have found the Spectrospective project to be extremely inspiring and wish to see more active cooperation and equal participation from leading autism organisations from all states across Australia.”

Please share Spectrospective with your friends, family and the wider community.
Spectrospective website 
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