Win copy of Becoming Chief: How to lead your child's special needs tribe

Becoming Chief: How to lead your child’s special needs tribe, is a great starting point for any parent of a child with a disability.
This book, from Cathy Love, focuses on the importance of taking charge of your child’s needs by building a “tribe” of supporters around them as well as the family as a whole.

Cathy Love: occupational therapist

It’s a very practical guide that encourages you to feel confident and assertive as you navigate the world of diagnosis, therapy, all while caring for yourself.

Tough topics are covered

Ms Love is an occupational therapist, coach, author and speaker who works with children, parents and disability service providers to achieve positive outcomes for children with special needs.
She has worked with children and families for over 30 years and has a great knowledge of the complex funding and disability service systems.
In Becoming Chief, tough topics are explored, as are inspiring real-life stories and practical, parent-friendly tips.
The book covers what a diagnosis means, offers information about organising paperwork and figuring out appointments with specialists, school and kinder.

Self-care is a crucial part of your well-being

While Love does not steer away from the fact that you as a parent carry the responsibility for your child’s well-being, the involvement of other people is an important part of building the tribe.
She finishes on the topic of self-care and how crucial it is for parents and carers to look after themselves.
If you’re a parent who is already on the journey, but need a bit of guidance and support, the book will probably be helpful to you, too.

Win one of eight copies

Amaze has eight copies of Becoming Chief to give away to eSpectrum supporters.
The first eight email entries we receive will win a copy of the book.

Becoming Chief focuses on taking control of your child’s needs.

Simply send an email to [email protected]
In the subject line of your email, write “Entry to win Becoming Chief”.
Include in the body of the email your postal address.
Only winning entrants will be notified by us via email.

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