From the CEO: A message for World Autism Awareness Day

I want to send a celebratory message to all people on the autism spectrum, their families and friends ahead of World Autism Awareness Day this Sunday.
For the last three months, we’ve been gearing up for WAAD and the release of our third Spectrospective film at 13 Village cinemas this Sunday morning at 11 o’clock.

Prue: Spectrospective brilliance.

I’m delighted to see some familiar Spectrospective faces in this year’s film as well as many new faces in what we believe is our best film yet.
Spectrospective began in 2015, where autistic people and their supporters made a short video of their individual story of autism, from which we made our first amazing film.
In 2016 we called for stories again and those two films have now been viewed more than 100,000 times.

Building understanding and acceptance

Spectrospective is one of our activities that aims to build greater understanding and acceptance of autism in the wider world, told by people on the autism spectrum who we know are the true experts in autism.
The stars of Spectrospective discuss the joys of autism through very personal accounts of their own journeys of discovery, trial and tribulation.

Don’t miss Spectrospective and The Boss Baby.

At Amaze we believe our job is to ensure the voices of autistic people and their supporters are heard by the wider world and Spectrospective is one way we do that.
Screening as a double feature with the latest animated DreamWorks hit The Boss Baby, Spectrospective 2017 is insightful, informative and inspiring.
The Amaze team and I look forward to celebrating World Autism Awareness Day at a sensory friendly screening of Spectrospective 2017. Book now to ensure you don’t miss out!
We’re very proud of it and I’m sending huge thanks to all those who participated this year and hope you all enjoy seeing yourself on the big cinema screen this Sunday.

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