Amaze appoints new Chair: Shannon Eeles

Shannon Eeles was last night appointed the new Chair of Amaze.
The appointment follows the resignation of Jane Evans, who has stepped down after four years of tireless effort and commitment.
Shannon joined the Amaze board in 2012 and had been Deputy Chair since 2013. Shannon has many years of experience working in the autism sector and has particular interest in education and public policy.
“I would like to acknowledge the dedication and commitment of Jane Evans in her role as Chair over the last three years,” Shannon said.

Next phase of strategic plan

“It is the strong foundations laid over this period that enable us to now look to the future and deliver the next phase of our strategic plan.
“My vision is for a society in which autistic people are valued and respected, free from stigma and discrimination, where they receive the services and supports they require and have the freedom to define their own futures.

Jane Evans: great leader.

“My desire to do what I can to make this a reality was my motivation for beginning to work in the field of autism more than 10 years ago, and remains my motivation today.
“I’ve been proud to contribute to the Amaze Strategic Directions 2040 plan as it embodies my own personal aspirations to influence systemic change so that autistic people and their families are afforded their right to participate and contribute to society as they wish.
“I look forward to working with autistic people, my fellow board members and the staff of Amaze to realise these goals.”
Jane joined the board in February 2013 and became Chair of Amaze in May 2014.
Her achievements as Chair and board director are considerable, including developing a new Amaze direction and 25 year Strategic Plan (launched in July 2015) and future purpose for Amaze as an organisation focused on providing independent, credible information to autistic people and their families, advocating for systemic change and skilling up the wider world to better support autistic people.

Razor sharp mind and insight

Jane has been a great leader who provided superior legal and governance skills and a razor sharp mind and insight while always exhibiting high ethical standing and compassion.
“I have relished the opportunity to serve as Chair of the Amaze Board during the past three years (with over four years on the Board in total),” Jane said.
“It has been a period of great strategic change for our organisation. One of our biggest achievements has been to bring several autistic adults onto the Board and Board Committees in the past year, as part of our commitment to putting autistic people at the centre of everything we do at Amaze.
“Driving that cultural change at Board level has been exciting and very satisfying for me, because my involvement with Amaze has always been driven by a passion to see autistic people achieve their potential and participate fully in community life.
“It has been a privilege to serve the Amaze community and I wish Amaze all the best for the years ahead.”

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