CEO: Proud of our new Parenting Skills Guide

Amaze is committed to delivering credible, evidence-based resources for those on the autism spectrum, their families, friends and supporters.
It’s a reason we are proud to launch our Parenting Skills Guide for Autistic Parents.
This is an important, first-of-its-kind project _ an online resource developed by Amaze in partnership with the Raising Children Network and using research from the Olga Tennison Autism Research Centre.

Families will gain much from the Parenting Skills Guide.

For parents on the autism spectrum who are raising children aged 0 to 11 years who aren’t on the spectrum, the Parenting Skills Guide is widely accessible, allowing you to take part via smartphone, tablet or computer.
Aware that some, often those in regional areas, struggle to attend workshops, we have ensured that location is no barrier to participation. Also, people can take part in their own time.

Click here to register for the Parenting Skills Guide for Autistic Parents.

Happy Mother’s Day

Amaze would like to wish all mums in our community a very happy Mother’s Day.
Our community brims with women who are brilliant mums and this is an opportune time to reflect on the incredible contribution they make to their families and society.

NDIS and the Budget

The most positive news for our community in the budget was the decision to provide full funding to the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) through an increase in the Medicare Levy of 0.5 % from July 2019.
Autistic participants are the largest single diagnostic group within the NDIS so it’s crucial the scheme is fully rolled out and sustainable into the long term – to support autistic Australians across their lifetime.
We all need to work together to ensure the vision of a better life for all people with disability is realised, and the NDIS is a critical element in achieving this.
Amaze sees its role as a conduit to the NDIS where we consolidate the views and needs of autistic people and their families to ensure their voices are heard and their needs are met.
Fiona Sharkie, CEO, Amaze

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