CEO: Why your participation in this short survey is vital to our work at Amaze

I believe one of the most important roles for Amaze is to ensure the voices and needs of autistic people and their families and carers are heard so that change can occur to improve the quality of their lives.
In the past few years we’ve been increasing our efforts to collect the stories, seek out opinions and respond to the priorities for action identified by our community.
We’ve also begun working directly with those with the lived experience of autism (autistic people and their families and supporters) to develop better Amaze projects and programs including Spectrospective for World Autism Awareness Day and last year’s Victorian Autism Conference.

Spectrospective’s Ella Bibby

Submissions to government
We’ve also made a number of submissions to government such as the Victorian Parliamentary Inquiry into Services for People with ASD and the Productivity Commission’s Review of the NDIS, which were informed by hundreds of members of our community who sent us their views.
Hearing your ideas, views and opinions is therefore vital to our work.
That’s why it’s important we find out the best ways to engage with you so you can continue to feed into our work and help set Amaze’s priorities.
We would greatly appreciate you taking the time to tell us how you would prefer us to engage with you via this short questionnaire.
This will ensure we design and continue to improve the way we communicate with you to obtain your ideas.
The survey will close on June 15 and I hope you are able to participate.
My sincere thanks in advance to you for taking the time to do the survey and for all the valuable ideas, opinions and feedback you provide so readily which contributes to making our work so much richer.
Fiona Sharkie, CEO, Amaze

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