Neurodiverse and looking for work? Sign on here

Are you autistic and having trouble finding a job?
If so, Northern Pictures would like to hear from you.
The production company is making Employable Me, a documentary series for ABC Television
featuring neurodiverse people who have found it challenging finding work that suits their skills and talents.
“We want to show that (being neurodiverse) can be viewed as a strength, not a disability in the workplace,” A Northern Pictures statement says.
“With the help of experts and specialists in the field, this uplifting and
insightful series will highlight job-seekers’ skills and match them to
roles that can harness their strengths.
“After all, we all deserve the opportunity to work for a living and pay our way.”
You can contact Northern Pictures via email: [email protected] or phone 02 9098 8370

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