Amaze welcomes Government's initial $22M commitment to autism

Amaze welcomes the Government’s response to the Victorian Parliamentary Inquiry into services for people on the autism spectrum.
The Government’s response to the Inquiry’s 101 recommendations shows a genuine commitment to addressing the disadvantage, stigma and discrimination that autistic Victorians face every day.

“The Victorian Autism community can be confident that the Government has listened to their stories and experiences shared over the past two years – the time for action for autism is now.” Amaze CEO Fiona Sharkie said.
$22m for immediate action
“Today’s announcement to invest $22m for immediate action includes the development of a comprehensive Autism State Plan, a public education strategy to build broader community understanding of autism, a dedicated education strategy for autistic students and much needed action in health and mental health services.
The Response is a welcomed first step in how we work together to create a better world for all autistic people.
“We could not have achieved this commitment from the Government without the autism community coming together and calling on the Government to take action via the 101 campaign to which 5000 Victorians petitioned the Premier.”
Amaze welcomes all the initiatives outlined in the Government response to commence overcoming the significant barriers faced by autistic people, their families and supporters: a more autism-responsive NDIS, more opportunities for autistic people’s participation in sport and community, more peer support and building higher awareness of the differing needs of the growing number of autistic women and girls.
Involvement of autistic people of critical importance
The Government’s commitment to ensuring autistic people and their families take a central role in the implementation of these initiatives is of critical importance.
Amaze looks forward to working with the Government and our peer autism organisations to engage autistic people and their families in the implementation of these initial actions and the development of a new Autism State Plan.
You can read the Government’s response here

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