Amaze develops autism public education ideas for TV ads – and we need your feedback!

Ryan Crofts: autism advocate who participated in a campaign workshop.

From Fiona Sharkie, CEO, Amaze
Amaze is excited to be working on Australia’s first autism public education campaign strategy for the Victorian government.
Many autistic people and their families have told the government that there is a need for the wider community to better understand how autism impacts people and what they can do to better support autistic people.
Amaze has worked with three different advertising agencies to develop some ideas and we’re asking autistic people and their family members/carers to give their feedback on how much they believe each of the ideas:
–          accurately portrays how autism impacts people
–          will help people better understand autism
–          will help people to know how to act to support autistic people
These campaign ideas are also being tested with members of the general public who are not autistic or have an autistic relative.
Your feedback is vitally important to the development of the campaign strategy.  We hope you can spare 30 minutes to complete the survey before it closes on 23 July.
Click this link to see the concepts and to provide your feedback.

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