Gain free entry to Collingwood Children’s Farm and access Amaze's social script for 'a real farm in the city'

Amaze has joined forces with Collingwood Children’s Farm and Yarra City Council to create a social script for one of Melbourne’s great attractions.
The aim is to help visitors feel comfortable and excited about their trip to the farm.

Schools and parents/carers can download the social script before visiting the farm to prepare their students, children or friends for what they may experience throughout the day.
The objective of the farm, 5km from the heart of Melbourne’s CBD, is to bring city folk closer to land, animals, farm life and community.
On Tuesday October 23, there will be FREE ENTRY to Kids’ Picnic – Family Week, from 
Here you can access all the deatils about the October 23 Kids’ Picnic, including the SOCIAL SCRIPT.
There will be hip-hop dance workshops, a jumping castle, face painting, tractor rides, soccer games, story time, photo booth, art workshop, Crazy Daisy the clown, and a chill out zone.
It is BYO Picnic. Limited spaces are available for a free bus service. Call 92055482 for more information.
The farm exists to support people in the Victorian community who are experiencing disadvantage, supporting social inclusion by delivering a range of programs from a rustic community working farm.
You can go for a leisurely stroll or a picnic in the paddock and watch the farm community at work.
Here you can access the Teachers Resources for the ‘Meet and Greet’ and ‘Paddock to Plate’ excursions that provide all the curriculum links.
Here you can access the Kids’ Picnic Poster.

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