Important first step! Senate passes National Autism Strategy motion 

We’ve made an important first step to making a National Autism Strategy a reality.

On Tuesday 2 April 2019 the Australian Senate passed a motion that ‘encourages the government to develop a National Autism Strategy, in partnership with autistic people and their families and carers’.
The Australian Autism Alliance, along with Amaze representatives, met with Senators in February to raise the idea of passing a motion in the Senate.
Amaze’s research on social isolation was one of the key findings that supported the motion.
The major parties are yet to commit to a National Autism Strategy, but the Senate passing the motion is an important first step.
Will email your your local candidates and tell them that if they want your vote their party needs to commit to delivering a National Autism Strategy?
A National Autism Strategy means a targeted approach to support autistic Australians with: Diagnosis. Education. Employment. Mental health. Social inclusion. Amaze and the Australian Autism Alliance will seize the momentum of this motion passing and continue to advocate to make a national strategy a reality.
We have an Autism Plan under development in Victoria. Now we’re one step closer to having a national plan.
With the 2019 federal election less than three weeks away, the most important action you can take right now is to engage to your local candidates and ask them to make autism a priority.

Download the full motion

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