Term 3 Amaze School Survey

Victorian schooling survey – how is Term 3 going?

Previous surveys

Back in May we checked in with the Amaze community through a survey to see how those of you with school aged children were coping with the disruptions to schooling during Term 2 because of the Coronavirus pandemic.  We had a fantastic response – thank you to all who participated! 

We used the results to shape our advocacy to government agencies about support for autistic students. We also included your powerful words in reports (see August and June reports) on Lessons from Remote and Flexible Learning, which Amaze jointly prepared with the Association for Children with Disability. These have been widely distributed and used in our discussions with government.

With Metropolitan Melbourne currently in Stage 4 Stay at Home restrictions and regional Victoria in Stage 3, Amaze is in constant discussions with ministers and government agencies – including the Victorian Department of Education and Training (DET), the Department of Health & Human Services (DHHS), and the NDIA – around how best to support autistic students and their families..


Term 3 Survey

It is timely to again check in with families with schools aged children in Victoria so that we can feed your experiences directly into these discussions.  The questions are designed to be answered by parents and carers of autistic students in Victorian schools. If you have multiple children at school, we ask you to complete the survey multiple times, to reflect the experience of each individual child.

There is a different survey for families in metropolitan Melbourne and families in regional Victoria, reflecting the different restrictions currently in place. See the buttons below and choose the survey relevant to you.

We know that there is a lot of uncertainty at the moment, and that many families are under considerable strain. Please do not feel pressured to complete the survey if it is too much for you at this time.

Metropolitan Melbourne Survey Regional Victoria Survey



Amaze’s Autism Advisors are available to provide autism specific information to autistic people and their families 8am-7pm weekdays.
Phone: 1300 308 699

Webchat: amaze.org.au

DET Coronavirus hotline: 1800 338 663 – operates 8 am to 6pm, 7 days a week (excluding public holidays). If you need an interpreter, call 131 450 first

DET Parentline: Parentline is a phone service for parents and carers of children from birth to 18 years old. We offer confidential and anonymous counselling and support on parenting issues.
Phone: 13 22 89
Available: 8am-midnight every day.







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