Research Projects – Participants Needed

Our friends at the Australian Catholic University (ACU) are looking for parents of autistic students in years 10, 11 or 12 to participate in a research project.

The research project investigates the impact of COVID-19 Victorian school closures on autistic secondary school students, and the role of parents in supporting these students.

Researchers would particularly like to understand the challenges and triumphs for parents in supporting their autistic child’s learning during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The research is for parents of autistic students in the Melbourne Metro area.

Parents who wish to participate will be involved in a 30 – 45 minute interview that will be conducted online and receive a $20 e-voucher for participation.

To participate or get more information, click on the link below:

Research participation


Children and Young People with Disability Australia (CYDA) is running 2 surveys to gather feedback on experiences with the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS).

There is one survey for young people with disability and one survey for families and caregivers.

Both surveys seek participants with experience with the NDIS. Click on the links below to participate or find out more:

Young people 


The CYDA is also holding information sessions on changes to NDIS. There will be sessions for family members and carers, and for young people. Live captioning and Auslan interpreting will be provided. Click on the links below to register:

Young people 


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